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Endereço e contato
Endereço: (Atendimento exclusivamente com hora marcada)
Av. Monteiro Lobato, 10100, 2° andar - cj. 09
Balneario Agenor de Campos, Mongaguá¡ - SP, 11730-000
Litoral: 13 99777-3140 - Clique aqui para Whatsapp
SP: 11 98356-0702 - Clique aqui para Whatsapp
Initial service for collecting customer information.
Presentation of the proposal for the provision of services, estimation of values and procedural deadlines.
Signing of the contract, power of attorney and payment of contractual fees.
Delivery of documents by the client and useful information to the cause.
Development and start of work.
Follow-up and customer information.
Information about decisions and/or judgments and appeals, if applicable.
In the case of appeals, submission of a proposal if the initial contract does not stipulate an appeal (option between the parties).